Chapter One :Chapter 1

Author's note..

Hello readers, In this story other then the city name and the songs that will be use in this story are my own imagination so if you guys find any similarity with other books then it's just a coincidence and yes I'm gonna use few song in this book and I will give the credit of real singers of the song..

P.S my first language is not English so pardon me for my grammatical mistakes thank you.. :^

Now let's move in the main story...


"Moon! MOONNNN wake up na kiddo it's already 7 am and we have a interview on 8 a clock " Aiden shouted from the door side.

Moon wake up with a jolt and said "What!!!! why didn't you said first that we have interview today!?"

Mark came behind Aiden and said "Our manager yesterday told us today's full schedule when you were busy reading novels on your phone kiddo" Aiden also nodded his head in agreement with Mark.

"Then you two leave now I have to get ready shoo shoo" moon said while closing the door on their face.

In STARLIGHT ENTERTAINMENT at 8 a clock the interview finally started, "Hello and welcome guys today we are with our favourite band SHIMMER so at first let's do the introduction" the host said with claps.

"Hello guys this is your sexy boy Aiden" "Hii guys this is your chocolate boy Mark" " Hii guys I am Ivan" "Hello guys this is Moon" After the introduction they talked about their new song which will be release in the evening.

After the interview, all 4 went to their practice room to do more practice for their showcase which will held tonight.Basiaclly Moon and Ivan is only singers on the band, Aiden and Mark use instruments and do some humming with moon and Ivan.

Shimmer is one of the biggest band of X country. They debuted 3 years ago when Moon were just 18 and other boys were 22+ .All the boys call Moon kiddo because when they first saw her she was looking so small like a teenager but now when she is a all grown up adult with blue eyes and curvy figure, they still call her kiddo.

They all treat her like their younger sister. Many tried to ruin their bond but no one succeeded because their bond is very strong.

On the other side

In a big garden a guy is sitting with a script in his hand."Everyone get ready,we will start the shoot in 2 minutes" Director said loudly to everyone. Jackson Stood up from his chair and took his position with the female lead of his movie. After 4 hours of continuous shooting they completed the shoot and today they have also completed their movie.

After the shoot Jackson was going towards his car with his assistant but suddenly Someone called him from behind. It was none other then the female lead of the movie MONICA .

"After the continuous shooting for 5 month we have completed this movie let's go out and celebrate tonight?" Monica said to Jackson in a flirting way.

"No need,I have plans" Jackson said and left without giving a second glance to Monica..After getting in the car Jackson asked the driver to take him to XY hotel.

Jackson was so tired after the continuous shoot so he fall in sleep inside the car. After reaching ti the hotel his assistant wake him up "Sir,we have reached".

Jackson tided himself and covered his face with mask and glasses. He direct went to private room and saw his friends already ordered food and now waiting for him.

"Finally you are here,I thought I'm gonna die out of hunger" Ray said dramatically.. Jackson rolled his eyey at him and sat beside Sid.

"At last your last movie is done with that clingy Actress" Sid said with a smirk."

"Hey she's very hot too!" Ray  retorted back.. Jackson get annoyed after hearing Ray then he's about to give him a reply but "He hate clingy girls so what even if she's hot or not" Noah said from beside.

Finally after little chatting they started their dinner in middle of that Noah started a live stream of Shimmer Showcase."Hey look our celebs of my entertainment is premiering their new song"


All 4 members of shimmer took their place on stage and started singing

"Like a river, like a river, sh-

Like a river, like a river, sh-

Like a river, like a river

Shut your mouth and run me like a river

How do you fall in love?

Harder than a bullet could hit you

How do we fall apart?

Faster than a hairpin trigger

Don't you say, don't you say it

Don't say, don't you say it

One breath, it'll just break it

So shut your mouth and run me like a river

Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver

Holy hands, will they make me a sinner?

Like a river, like a river

Shut your mouth and run me like a river

Choke this love 'til the veins start to shiver

One last breath 'til the tears start to wither

Like a river, like a river

Shut your mouth and run me like a river"

After the song was over they got massive reaction from the Audiance Infront of them and also from the live audience.

on the other side Noah can't stop praising Shimmer."They are just awesome aren't they? I love their all songs especially in this one did you heard the raspy voice of Moon!!"..

"Hey dude Moon is very cute and sexy" Ray said to Noah.

"Don't even think about that she is not like others.Till now  there's no bad record or dating record of her even her band members had so many relationships but she is always busy in her singing and dancing" Noah said with a glare to Ray.

"Ok ok man chill it's not gonna like she will reject a handsome guy like me" Ray said. "Trust me buddy,she will" Noah said.

Sid was also mesmerised by Moon's voice and face.. truthfully since last 2 years he has secret crush on her.. Jackson was busy with his food he didn't even give a glance to live stream.

Suddenly Noah got a message on his phone and after checking that he asked"Guys I got invitation of the success party of shimmer you guys wanna join me?" .

Ray stood up and said in a childish tone " Yes yes I want to go,I want to meet moon!" .

Noah give him a stern look and said "it's not like that you've never meet her,last year at year end award show after seeing her there you started to scream like a fanboy,gosh that was so embarrassing!".

Ray scrunched "I'm her fanboy so what! now move your lazy ass and let's go we can't be late".

Sid also wanted to see her so he didn't reject but Jackson Stood up and said "ok then good night guys".

"Hey you where are you running? come here you're going with us" Ray said while dragging Jackson. Jackson was never interested in singing so he always avoid that news . He also never saw shimmer band but heard few songs in radio and from his friends.After 20 minutes of Ray's continuous nagging, Jackson finally agreed to go with them but with a condition that he will leave soon.


The song that was used in this chapter was River By Bishop Briggs.... :

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